Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Photo Report: The 3rd Republican Book Festival "Ki...

25.09.2024 483

Photo Report: The 3rd Republican Book Festival "Kitap Time - 2024"

Photo Report: The 3rd Republican Book Festival "Kitap Time - 2024" -

With the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the 3rd National Book Festival "Kitap Time - 2024" took place at the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This year’s festival was organized in various regions across the country, leveraging the resources of numerous libraries to promote reading, inspire a love for literature among young people, and share our cultural values with the community.

Prior to the official opening of the festival, a day-long exhibition fair featuring book publishers and shops was held. It showcased a variety of publishing houses, including "Arman-PV," "Kasym," "Mukaba," "Contents," "Qazbilim," "Otbasy Chrestomatiyas," "Qyr Balasy," and "Steppe&World," along with bookstores such as "Kitapal," "Abay," "Eldorado," and selections from "Kitap Khadiya."

 Foreign embassies also took part in displaying their literary offerings.

Visitors were reading right there and some purchased various books published by these publishing houses.

The public attending the book festival enjoyed the "ART-ALEM" pavilion featuring artisans and artists, the "World of Nomads" exhibition, as well as activities like bookcrossing, bibliorings, and various interactive and entertainment events for children.

In support of the social initiative "100 Books for Village Libraries," festival guests also took part in a special book donation ceremony.





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